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THC Mono Magnesium (MgSo4)


THC Mono Magnesium (MgSo4)

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is a detrimental plant disorder that occurs most often in strongly acidic, light, sandy soils, where magnesium can be easily leached away. Magnesium is an essential macronutrient constituting 0.2-0.4% of plants' dry matter and is necessary for normal plant growth. Excess potassium, generally due to fertilizers, further aggravates the stress from magnesium deficiency, as does aluminium toxicity.

Magnesium has an important role in photosynthesis because it forms the central atom of chlorophyll. Therefore, without sufficient amounts of magnesium, plants begin to degrade the chlorophyll in the old leaves. This causes the main symptom of magnesium deficiency, interveinal chlorosis, or yellowing between leaf veins, which stay green, giving the leaves a marbled appearance. Due to magnesium’s mobile nature, the plant will first break down chlorophyll in older leaves and transport the Mg to younger leaves which have greater photosynthetic needs. Therefore, the first sign of magnesium deficiency is the chlorosis of old leaves which progresses to the young leaves as the deficiency progresses. Magnesium also acts as an activator for many critical enzymes that are essential in carbon fixation. Thus low amounts of Mg lead to a decrease in photosynthetic and enzymatic activity within the plants. Magnesium is also crucial in stabilizing ribosome structures, hence, a lack of magnesium causes depolymerization of ribosomes leading to premature aging of the plant.[1] After prolonged magnesium deficiency, necrosis and dropping of older leaves occurs. Plants deficient in magnesium also produce smaller, woodier fruits.

Magnesium deficiency may be confused with zinc or chlorine deficiencies, viruses, or natural aging since all have similar symptoms. Adding Mono Magnesium nutrient may magnesium deficiencies.


A plant lacking magnesium may look similar to a potassium deficiency. The key difference is that a magnesium-deficient plant will almost always yellow around the edges of its leaves, not brown. Magnesium is a necessary element in chlorophyll, and therefore light absorption for photosynthesis.


Coco coir is a great growing medium, but it can cause problems for growers concerning micronutrient uptake. Magnesium, along with calcium and iron, is one of the three micronutrients cannabis plants cropped in coco have difficulty absorbing.

Hydroponic growers that let the pH of the nutrient solution slip to 5.0 or below will likely experience magnesium deficiency. Water with too low a pH in the reservoir is a recipe for micronutrient lockout. Indoor soil growers often encounter magnesium deficiency for two reasons. The first is over-watering the soil. Roots in soggy soil just can’t access the nutes.

However, the second is more difficult to detect. Growers that use lightly fertilised soil and liquid nutrients lacking in trace elements can unexpectedly get hit with a magnesium deficiency during mid-late bloom. As the marijuana plant matures, roots essentially drink up all the micronutrients in the medium. Without adequate supplementation, magnesium deficiency strikes.

Solving a magnesium deficiency should begin with a flush of 6.0pH water. This should work fine for all substrates. Next, you need to prepare a feed with the optimal pH for your growing medium. (Soil: 6.0-6.5, Coco: 6.0 and Hydro: 5.5-6.0). In addition to the usual brew of nutes, add a high-quality, cannabis-specific magnesium supplement.

To rectify Magnesium deficiency use THC Mono Magnesium (MgSo4) or THC CalMag (CaMg).
Always use a buffered RHP coco substrate and even additives such as perlite that may leach.
THC co suppklues only buffered RHP substrates and mixes, as well Coco specific base nutrient enriched with Calcium, Magnesium and Boron that plays major role in nutrient delivery.


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