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Excelcalibur Bucker


Excelcalibur Bucker

price slash.....down to only 4K

Excelcalibur Bucking Machine was designed to facilitate the bucking process, which is simply the process of removing the flowers from the stem.
The Excelcalibur Bucking Machine will cut your bucking time in more than half and several workers while being gentle on your product.
The unit comes with six different hole sizes to easily match up your stock, from 6mm to 14mm in diameter and is fitted with a variable speed controller so you can buck both wet and dry product.
Excelcalibur Bucker is made from lightweight alloy and stainless steel for durability, supplied pre assembled requiring only minimum assembly finish.
The bucker stands upright for ease of operation, is fitted with casters so you can simply cart it from place to place and supplied with optional table that gets fitted to front of unit. The Excelcalibur bucker is tall enough to stand over your trimmer hopper allowing flowers to simply fall in to it for finishing trim.
Excelcalibur Bucker is competitively priced, flat packed and supplied with free shipping anywhere in Australia.


  • High performance and capacity wet or dry bucking made easy
  • 4mm to large14mm in 6 sizes
  • saves time and money, replacing 5 workers
  • stand tall, no bending, sits perfect over hopperED00FEAE9B8044C3BA567333F4972196-(1).png
  • lockable cators, makes it easy to move
  • rear stem hinged shield fo safety and storage
  • convenient ront shield or table
  • HQ stainless steel plates
  • alloy frame construction
  • strong electric motor
  • adjustible speed with on/off


  • dual grip rollers
  • small to large stems
  • 6 sharp ports
  • 4/6/8/10/12/14mm diameter


  • competetive pricing
  • flat packet and pre-assembled, minimal assembly required
  • excelcalibur the cut above!



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